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The ‘1v1 Ladder’, a staple of the No Other Game Alike curriculum and 1 of over
20 Ball Mastery and 1v1 Games included in the Programme
After some research into the problems faced by youth coaches and where they need the most help, the 10 Weeks targets the top ones, giving you a framework with solutions, ideas and the wealth of my experience on all of them to help dramatically elevate your coaching, and the players’ overall experience.
This includes:
– Rethinking and shaping your Player Development Vision
– The arrival game that will instantly have your players buzzing, improve their ability and attention span and get them in the right frame of mind
– Transform how you coach Ball Mastery, turning it from Boring to Brilliant
– How to teach the 4 Types of Dribbling
– A library of 1v1 Games
– Video library of footskills
– How 2 & 3 Player Combinations are the key to attacking football, what they are and how to coach them
– A Rondo & Possession-Games progression
– Juggling challenges
– How to inspire practice away from your sessions
– The 7 Types of Finishing and how to coach them
– How to create a culture of respect, learning and high performance
– How to have zero rules but high discipline
– The exercise top pro’s use that translate all the way down to U8s to teach attacking shape
– How to knit those ‘little things’ in football like throw-ins, aerial control, flick-ups etc into your session without devoting a ton of time to them
– Using the Match in training to tie your session together
– How to harness the power of parents
– A framework for matchdays from Game Plans, Warm-up, Pre-Match Teamtalk, Coaching in the Game, Substitutions, Half-Time, Full-Time and Match Analysis
– How to check for understanding
– Coaching points for every exercise
That’s the content of the Programme which is delivered over 10 weeks in easily manageable weekly chunks.
In addition you will get:
– A 10 week curriculum for the age(s) you work with
– Weekly 45 minute zoom mentoring sessions* with me where you are in charge. We can go over anything from the week’s content and questions/issues/observations from implementing it, to diving deeper into a topic you are interested in, helping you create your own activities and sessions or even helping you to reflect on and analyse a session you have filmed of yourself.
– Daily access to me on WhatsApp for any questions or thoughts you have
* If you’re local to me, or if I’m in your area, we can always turn 1 or 2 of these into me coming down to sessions to observe, deliver or help.